10 Lovely Things You Can Do With Your Beard

Beards are great. We love beards. You love beards. Everyone loves beards (even if they say they don’t).

Sometimes, beards could do with being a little more lovely. Just a touch more fabulous. We’re sure you’ll agree. So, we’ve scoured that internet to find 10 lovely things you can do with your beard. Or someone else’s beard, so long as you ask them first.


1. Colour it in with stuff. Go full on Merbeard, or Manicorn, or whatever we’re calling it now. Get creative. From hair chalk to colourful mascaras, there are plenty of ways to add a splash of colour to you beard.



2. Stick some flowers in it. Flowers are great, flowers and beards are even better. Be a friend of the bees and looks fabulous whilst you do it. #TheBeardsAndTheBees



3. Put colourful beads in it. Maybe you don’t want to colour in the beard itself but you want lots of pretty colours in there? Tie some beads in it! If you happen to be at Mardi Gras, so much the better.



4. Fill it with snacks for later. It’s a known fact that beards will capture food, so why delay the inevitable? Fill that face with food! Then eat it later. Before it gets sticky.



5. Even more flowers. Why stop with your beard? If you’ve got enough up top, you can get all floral up there too.



6. Glitter it up. If your hands are full carrying your fabulous unicorn purse, where are you going to keep all of your glitter? In your beard of course.



7. Store your pencils in it. Does your beard need to reflect your artistic endeavours? Perhaps you’re a teacher and you need to keep spares for your students? Or maybe you just really love pencils?



8. Light it up. With little bulbs, put the lighters down. Let your beard be a light in the darkness. A beacon of fuzzy hope. Find things in the dark really easily.



9. Get festive with it. Beard baubles are really the tip of the iceberg here, but you can’t beat a classic festive look.



10. Bead it up again. Try a more conservative bead, if colours aren’t your thing. You’ll still look flawless. If you’ve got a really thick beard, you could even tie it up to tame it.



There are many ways you can jazz up your beard. The only limit is your imagination… Mostly.

So get out there and put things in your beard! Make it a say something beard day!


Cover image by Vito Fun.